Update March 2019

Continuing Site Improvements – works to level and resurface the road area from the bottom gate to the steaming bays has now been almost completed with just a top dressing to be applied to the sub base and final compacting with a vibro-roller to be done. The ducting has been installed around the edge of the steaming bays and water pipes laid ready to connect to each bay. Cables are still to be pulled through to supply 12/24v power to each bay but the ducting has now been concreted in to form a continuous surface around the bays.

The riding trolleys were disassembled during the winter months and the axle assemblies sent for zinc plating. The chassis have all been painted and on the return of the axles have all now been reassembled ready for the coming months usage.

The Traverser has now had its long awaited upgrade to hydraulic operation and the track signalling system has been completed and tested as working.

Landscaping works have been carried out and the track bases painted where needed, a lot of work in a relatively short time so many thanks to all the members who helped in making the completion of these works possible.

Update March 2018

Continuing Site Improvements Having completed the extension of the Station platform and it’s associated access path and fencing, work has now started somewhat delayed by the winter weather, on the Streaming Bay facilities. This work is being partly funded by a grant given to the Society by the Llandudno Town Council with additional funds being raised by the kind donations of the public during our public running season.

Update 6th April 2017

Station Expansion – Work has recently re-started, following bad weather, on expanding the platform and laying the path to the public entrance gate. The platform paving has now been laid and the path suitably graded for wheelchair and buggy access. It is hoped to complete the paving of the path in time for Easter. Pictures of the ongoing work can be found in the Gallery.

Update 31st January 2017

Station Expansion – Work has just started on expanding the platform at West Shore to cater for two trains creating separate disembarking and embarking areas. Also an all weather better graded paved pathway is being laid from our public entrance.This will make life a lot easier for our wheelchair and pushchair visitors. A picket fence is also being erected to improve line side safety in this area. The Society would like to thank the Llandudno Town Council for a grant towards meeting part of the cost of these improvements.

Update 24th August 2016

Track Extension Completed – Today saw the completion of our track extension with the laying of the final track panel. The outer loop was broken into 3 days ago, the new track supporting walls built and water proofed, the temporary section of walling demolished and the final section of track laid. Thanks to everyone that helped and a special thank you to our Vice Chair John Simcox and Mike Brown who designed and project managed the whole track building process from beginning to the end. John also constructed all of the track panels and laid all of the track occasionally helped by other members. The Committee’s thanks to every one who has helped along the way. Lookout for the of the first proving run video on our Facebook page.