2023 Charity Fund Raising Event

Saturday 12 August 2023 saw the NWMES fund raiser for Ty Gobaith Children’s hospice, at our West Shore track finally happen after being delayed from 5 August when the atrocious weather predicted by all forecasters actually materialised.
We were hoping for better weather on the Glorious Twelfth , well it was less wet but not in the morning when we had to erect the covered shelters/gazebo’s, however the challenge was accepted and they were erected, eventually. The wind however was just marginally stronger than normal for West Shore but eventually, and despite everything the weather could throw at us, everything was ready for passengers.

The tea urn was boiling, the cakes were spread out, and the hard workers were treated to hot bacon baps, the the rain stopped and the sun came out, but the wind kept on blowing as it normally does on West Shore

Then the passengers started arriving……..and believe it or not, there were quite a few. Martin’s and Richard’s steam locos took the main strain with the club’s and Archie’s  electric loco’s backing them up. Eric’s Traction Engine was also in attendance and it raised quite a few WOWs. In fact it turned out to be a really good afternoon and a very good £510 was raised for the Charity.

After the Public Running session stopped the members had a small BBQ to wind down before once again fighting against the wind to take down the Gazebo’s. All in all it turned out to be a succesful day thanks to the hard work put in by our members and the generosity of the members of the public who turned up to support us and make the most of the day.

Below are a few photos of the day, plus more information and photos in our NWMES August Newsletter:

2022 Charity Fund Raising Event

Our Charity Event on Saturday 24th September raised £600.00 for the Hope House Tŷ Gobaith Childrens Hospice. Thank you to all who took their time out to help and assist in putting on this special event and to those visitors who came and supported it and for your donations.

Below are a few photos taken on the day and of the members models that were kindly brought in and put on display during the event.

Click on the images to see the full photos